Sunday, March 26, 2006

When the cows come home

Yesterday when the door bell rang, i really didnt expect to find two milch cows standing in bated breath for me to open the door. So the cows did come home. Finally. Nothing much happened after that - the cows had a sutta and a whisky and went to graze on the fields nearby.

Yesterday night, i shifted my house. A net displacement of 600m. My army of friends were there to help me do the move. Meesuu ... Shacker .... Gymbee ... Jappo were all there to help me (licking my lips) "make my move!!".

I had a fight with both my girlfriends last week. And their boyfriends. And one dog. It climbed a really old guava tree. I really didnt know which had the worse bark - the tree or the dog. Hehe. This is where you gleefully smile and feel better that idiots like me continue to walk on the face of the earth. Actually walking all over the entire anatomy of the earth.

I believe that the Andheri Police have nabbed a Killer bee on the loose in a sting operation. Hehe once again.

Except for the shifting of the house bit, everything else is pretty much crap. And i love it.


At 2:22 AM, Blogger Saumil said...

Finally awake from your deep slumber .. I hope to read more crap from ya ... keep it up bad boy !

At 2:21 AM, Blogger Kedar said...

What crap...!!! But some crap is always better than no crap... heheheh


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